Read this first.
The short introduction + how we do things around the Rogue Planet offices.
Author of the fantastic. A fantastic author.
The short introduction + how we do things around the Rogue Planet offices.
The Daily
The Daily
You ever see those stupid note-taking apps out there? Ok, alright, yes, I use some of them myself. It's handy to take notes and organize them if you're a high-information personality. This is an old habit and quite a useful one when you need information on
The Daily
The movie I saw this afternoon blew me out of my seat. You might say I have high standards for such things. With the state of Hollywood (and I don't mean California) there hasn't been much reason to shell out $15 and an afternoon to sit
The Daily
Weird thought hit me in the shower: I haven't heard a ring-tone in years. The best was when that awkward rap song would blast in a quiet movie theater. Can't remember the last time that happened. I think the last time was close to 10 years
The Daily
You ever heard of Rollo May? He was better known in the 20th century, when he was alive and also working as a psychotherapist. He wrote quite a few books at the intersection of modern psychology -- clinical psych dealing with actual people and problems, not goof-off lab experiments --
The Daily
I've gotten too friendly over the last few years. Don't mistake me, my quiet underground bunker in New Zealand is still my place of power. But somewhere along the way, I picked up a way of being charismatic entirely by accident. I don't even
The Daily
As I sit here stewing in my own inflammatory markers after yesterday's workout, a thought occurred to me. Prompted by the stiffness working itself into my hamstrings and hip muscles like the whip-hand of an ice-demon, I remembered how different "gym people" react to a post-workout
The Daily
There's one skill that I value above all others: The power to detach myself from my beliefs. How many souls can you think of in your own life who dig into their beliefs like a dragon hoarding treasure? Most of them, if your honest. That includes you and
The Daily
I finished reading Frank Herbert's God Emperor of Dune the other night. If you aren't familiar with the Dune books, this is the fourth in the series. Very different from the tight trilogy of the earlier series. This book gets out-there. It's more of
The Daily
Back when I was teaching, I spent roughly 98% of my time with students breaking them of bad writing habits. What happens is, they read awful writing and assume that it's part of the "insider club". Smart people must write this way, they think. They try
The Daily
I read a tedious email from a marketer the other day. One of those types who thinks that humans are nothing but a collection of irrational impulses, emotions, and desires for petty self-interest. I can kinda relate to that. In my most cynical moments, I share those judgments. And for